How To Create Daily Habits Without Restrictions

Choosing to live a more intuitive life, where you listen to your body and its needs, instead of trying to control everything can be challenging. However, it is an amazing first step toward living a happy, healthy and harmonious life. A great way to start incorporating this into your life is by creating daily habits that will improve your wellness without restriction or overwhelm.

Choose Your Habits and Routines Wisely

When it comes to being intuitive, you want your daily habits and routines to be about improving your health, happiness, and wellness, but without restrictions and added stress. This means you are not making rules about your habits or creating habits that are going to be stressful to implement. Instead, the habits are designed to encourage you to live a fuller, healthier life.

Do you want to drink water in the morning to hydrate your body, or because it helps you to go longer without eating breakfast? This is a subtle difference, but your motivations behind your healthy habits make all the difference.

Categorize Your New Habits

Once you have written down some habits you want to implement, put them into different categories.

This might include mental or emotional health, nutrition, stress management, movement, self-care, learning, and so much more. This allows you to see which areas are a priority and helps you determine which habits to start with.

Focus on One Category of Habits at a Time

When implementing new habits, a common mistake is trying to change everything at once. This can lead to people feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. If you have 10 new habits on your list, start with 1 or 2 and as you master those, add more. Sometimes it helps to focus on habits in one category and implement those first.

Don’t forget to celebrate your wins along the way!

Stop What Isn’t Working for You

Have you noticed what isn’t working as you begin adding in new habits? Do you have old habits that are no longer serving you? Maybe it’s a bad habit you didn’t realize you were doing, something you’ve been doing for a while but aren’t seeing benefits, or something that is adding to your stress, instead of reducing it. This is a great time to get rid of them!

