5 Ways To Protect Yourself This Holiday Season

The holidays are bittersweet for many people, including those who are trying to conceive. This season can be a painful reminder of what hasn’t yet happened, what never was or what no longer is. While it appears that the rest of the world is celebrating and filled with joy, infertility around this time can bring a renewed sense of isolation, loneliness, longing and grief.  This holiday season, I want you to know that I empathize with you and you are not alone. While no suggestion, list or insight is going to take away the pain, I want to share a few...


Guide To Using Mantras And Affirmations

Your beliefs and thought patterns play an important role in your overall happiness and ability to achieve your full potential. These days, there are many tools available to help you manage stress such as meditation, diet and lifestyle changes, and self-care. Mantras or affirmations are another simple yet powerful tool that can be used every day, in a variety of different ways. Affirmations and mantras are very similar to each other. Affirmations are positive reminders or short statements that can be used to replace negative thoughts, motivate, encourage and relax you. They offer a powerful way to improve your mindset on...


How To Create Daily Habits Without Restrictions

Choosing to live a more intuitive life, where you listen to your body and its needs, instead of trying to control everything can be challenging. However, it is an amazing first step toward living a happy, healthy and harmonious life. A great way to start incorporating this into your life is by creating daily habits that will improve your wellness without restriction or overwhelm. Choose Your Habits and Routines Wisely When it comes to being intuitive, you want your daily habits and routines to be about improving your health, happiness, and wellness, but without restrictions and added stress. This means you are...

tips and tricks to conceive, if trying to get pregnant, life and wellness coach, emotional holistic health

How To Reduce Stress & Anxiety With A Daily Ritual

Are you dealing with a lot of emotional stress? Is it affecting you physically or mentally? Even though stress is common, that doesn’t mean it is normal. There is a reason doctors ask if you are stressed – stress is closely linked to both your physical and emotional health. One thing you can do to help reduce your stress is to start daily rituals or habits that are good for your mind and body.  Focus on Getting Good Sleep Sleep is an integral part of being a healthy, energized, and well-adjusted person. It can also deeply affect the amount of stress you have....


5 Ways To Listen To Your Body

Studies suggest that people with better body awareness feel less stressed. Paying attention to our bodies helps break the stress cycle by keeping us aware of the first signs of stress. Of course, our bodies also reflect our emotions and provide early warnings of shifts in our mood as well.  One of the biggest challenges when it comes to being more intuitive is understanding HOW to listen to your body. This takes a little practice and patience, but the following tips can be incredibly helpful! 1. Practice Mindfulness The first way you can start listening to your body is with mindfulness. This allows...
