7 Simple Steps to Reduce Toxins

By now, you are probably aware of the negative impact environmental toxins can have on our health and hormones, especially when trying to conceive. While it’s not realistic to completely avoid toxins, you can make a conscious effort to minimize overall exposure and toxic load. Try these 7 simple steps to get you started.

1. Read ingredient labels

If there are words you can’t pronounce or need a dictionary to define, put it down! Simple ingredients and products with a short list of simple ingredients are better bets than things that have been formulated with chemicals or compounds.

2. Choose organic and choose local

Eating only organic is not always feasible, or affordable. Use the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen lists created by Environmental Working Group as a guide. If available, choose local produce and carefully consider where your meat, eggs and dairy come from. Take care to wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating; not necessarily before you store them in the fridge (to avoid mold contamination and spoilage.)

3. Get code-savvy

Plastics coded 1, 2, or 5 (the most frequently recycled) are less likely to contain phthalates and BPA. Plastics coded 3, 6 and 7 are more likely to contain these compounds and should be avoided. Switch to stainless steel or glass bottles and food storage containers to limit exposure to BPA. BPA-free plastics still contain harmful chemicals.

4. Reduce exposure

Avoid heavy metals in your environment by staying away from fertilizers, fungicides, poisons, lead-based paint, some hobby supplies, furniture refinishing chemicals, some cosmetics, etc. Always wear protective gear, wash thoroughly after work or hobbies and remove your shoes before entering the house.

5. Go fragrance-free

When a product lists “fragrance,” be wary, as this is often a phrase used to denote a cocktail of compounds that may contain phthalates. Fragrances can be hidden in many personal care products (body wash, shampoo, perfume, tampons), candles and cleaning products. 

6. Switch to natural personal care and household products

Products that we use on a daily basis, including cosmetics, personal care and cleaning products, tend to be filled with chemicals and toxic compounds. Check out the EWG website for options or reach out to me, I’m happy to share my favorite products!

7. Grow fresh air

Indoor plants help to purify the air and reduce exposure to pollutants within your home that may be impacting your health. Not only do the plants detoxify the airy, but the microorganisms within the soil can as well. If you’re like me and weren’t born with a green thumb, here are a few common houseplants to start with: peace lily, parlour palm, snake plant and dracaena.
