Wellness Ally was founded with the belief that healthy lifestyle habits promote happiness, confidence, and overall wellbeing. Feel empowered by taking control of your wellness with simple and attainable nutrition and lifestyle changes. Wellness Ally offers both long-term and short-term plans to meet the unique needs of our clients. Witness the effects of improved energy, balance, health and happiness in your daily life.

What Is Health Coaching?

As a professionally trained expert on health and wellness behavioral change, health coaches empower people to change their lifestyles and behaviors so they can achieve their health and wellness goals. Trained to listen with an objective, compassionate and non-judgmental ear, health coaches are uniquely skilled to help you uncover obstacles and provide you with the tools to take control over your own health and happiness. Health Coaches are perfect partners for people, like you, who want an individualized approach and ongoing support to set goals and make sustainable changes for your future.

What Is Fertility Coaching?

A fertility coach is someone that you can trust with both the physical and emotional aspects on your path to parenthood. Securing a safe and supportive space throughout your fertility journey is an indispensable resource to help you process your emotions, navigate fertility challenges and take back control of your story. Through empowerment, education and encouragement, your fertility coach will provide you the tools and support to take action. Feel prepared and nourish your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing as you work to achieve a healthy pregnancy.

About Ally Fowler

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Book enthusiast, tea connoisseur, and lover of travel.

I live in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina with my husband, Brandon and our fun-loving Goldendoodle, Rollo.

My interest in developing a healthy lifestyle started in my teens when I would spend hours reading Women’s Health and Shape magazines. I started creating my own workouts, learning about proper nutrition and exploring a holistic approach to health.

I worked in project management and event coordination for nearly a decade where I was able to harness my love for problem-solving and organization while having the opportunity to travel the world. During this time, I initially struggled with finding a balance between my high-stress, demanding career and living a healthy, fulfilled life beyond the job. I suffered from unexplained health issues for years caused by the vicious cycle of stress and anxiety, lack of sleep, unhealthy habits and a sedentary job. One day I realized that enough was enough. I couldn’t let the stress of my job dictate my lifestyle and detract from my health any longer. I found my way back to my initial passion for health and wellness and started exploring new methods and techniques for managing stress and finding a good work-life balance.

Since implementing these new strategies, the benefits I’ve experienced have been life-changing. I feel more like myself than ever before, I’ve reconnected with friends, I feel relaxed and my energy has skyrocketed. I decided to change my path and bring this methodology and encouragement to others. My mission now is to help others develop healthy habits and manage their stress so that they can live a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.

A Holistic Approach To Wellness

In order to achieve a healthy balance, it’s important to reflect on the key components in your life and make attainable goals that allow you to continue to evolve in a meaningful and manageable way.


Whether you view your job as a way to fulfill your passion or simply a way to provide for your family, nearly one-third of your life is spent at work. Creating a career that you love and aligns with you as a spiritual being has an impact on your finances, creativity, joy and emotional well-being. What you spend your professional life doing can influence many aspects of your life including education, relationships and self confidence.


Nutrition refers to the food on your plate, that provides the energy and nutrients you need to be healthy. There is no “right” way to approach diet and cultivate nourishing habits, you need to find what works for your body’s unique needs. Your choices may be driven by many factors including lifestyle, environment, culture and overall health

Physical Health

Physical health relates to the condition of your body, taking into consideration everything from the absence of disease and injury to your exercise and fitness routines. Taking care of your body is an act of self-care. Oftentimes, you may see physical symptoms from the burdens you have in other areas. It’s important to be in tune with your health and body- it's the only place you have to live!


Relationships demonstrate your ability to love and relate to others and fulfill your need for connection, support and belonging. These connections have a huge impact on your overall health and quality of life. Many people get stuck in unhealthy or unhappy situations because they don’t have the energy or time to explore and focus on relationships. Happy, healthy people have a greater capacity to communicate and listen, and ultimately have healthier, more fulfilling relationships.


Spirituality refers to the way you seek and express meaning and purpose. It is achieved when you align with the highest version of yourself in peace, love, kindness and joy. Spirituality can mean different things to different people but is ultimately the way you experience connectedness to the moment, to the self, to others and to the world around you.

Our Programs

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Fertility Coaching

Wellness Ally’s fertility coaching is designed to guide, encourage and empower you throughout your fertility journey. The virtual fertility coaching program includes a personalized plan, email support between sessions, further education and resources. Learn to incorporate daily habits, self-care routines, mindset practices & nutrition strategies to further support your fertility. Choose between a 6 or 12 session program to best fit your unique needs, preferences, and goals.

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Health & Wellness Coaching

Wellness Ally’s health & wellness coaching is designed to provide guidance and accountability to help you achieve specific wellness goals. The virtual health and wellness coaching program includes a personalized plan, email support between sessions, further education and resources. Learn to incorporate daily habits, self-care routines, mindset practices & nutrition strategies to further support your goals. Choose between a 6 or 12 session program to best fit your unique needs, preferences, and goals.  

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Individual Coaching Sessions

50 minute sessions are available for clients who wish to receive additional support during or after completing a coaching program. *These sessions are only available to past and current clients who have completed an initial assessment within the past 24 months.

The Benefits Of Health Coaching

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Gain the confidence to trust your intuition and be an advocate for your physical and emotional needs

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Overcome Obstacles

Identify barriers and formulate a plan to break through the blocks preventing you from moving forward

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Receive ongoing support to keep you motivated, empowered, and feeling in control on your journey

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Action Plan

Develop action-based solutions to help you reach your health and wellness goals

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Learn tools to manage stress and develop self-care practices to help you feel your best

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A Holistic Approach

Explore a holistic approach, considering the connection between your mind, body and spirit

Our Happy Clients

I was caught up in the day-to-day and didn’t realize the importance of taking a step back and examining the different aspects of my life until I began to work with Ally. After taking the time to reflect on certain career goals, health choices, and relationships I quickly realized that there were both small and large changes that I wanted to make but wasn’t taking the time to start. Working with Ally and the Wellness Ally coaching program helped me create attainable goals with smaller steps that kept me motivated and focused. I have a new feeling of balance between my work and personal life and feel that I have finally prioritized achieving some of my long term goals.


In the time working with Ally, I was able to undergo a total mindset shift to instantly and almost magically become much more open-minded. I’ve tried things new to me, like yoga and meditation, that were highly beneficial. While in my professional sphere I have the ability to seek advice from mentors and coworkers, working with a coach like Ally took things to a new level. It provided me the opportunity to interact with a neutral party and provided a new and refreshing perspective. I’m delighted to say I’ve been able to apply many valuable things learned in our sessions directly to my daily professional environment. I highly recommend working with Wellness Ally.


I was amazed at how much I accomplished during my six month program. Ally was a great guide in helping me clarify and set goals that were specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based. From there, she kept me accountable while empowering me to crush my goals and cross off to-do items that had been hanging over me for years. I learned to implement many valuable lifestyle skills and highly recommend working with Ally if you have things to accomplish and wish to improve your overall health and well being.


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